How to succeed in field prospecting

How to succeed in field prospecting

Many think that field prospecting is ineffective and outdated. We, on the other hand, totally disagree with this view! Field prospecting still has a lot of value to this day.

Actually, field prospecting is a key tool in a salesperson’s toolbox. Not convinced yet? Let us prove its value to you.

What is field prospecting?

Field prospecting is sometimes known as “door to door selling” or “direct marketing”. It simply refers to meeting prospects  in real life to present them your product or service, whether at work or at home. Indeed, field prospecting can be B2B or B2C.

What are the benefits of field prospecting?

As is the case for all prospecting methods, whether direct or indirect, in person or on the phone, the goal is to bring in as many leads and clients as possible. But what are the specifics of field prospecting that help you sign new contacts?

Field prospecting has many advantages over other types of prospecting:

  • Fluid communication;
  • Information gained from non-verbal communication;
  • A sense of trust between the salesperson and the client;
  • A stronger impression made by the salesperson.

Field prospecting also helps get through the first steps (getting a foot in the door), which are often the most difficult.

With non-verbal communication, you can get real-time feedback from your prospects. By meeting them, you’ll have a better grasp of the impact of your pitch.                                                                                                                                           

How to set up successful field prospecting methods

1. Define your goals

It’s useless to go prospecting if you haven’t defined your goals beforehand. Going in blindly will often end in frustration, as your field prospecting will likely be unsuccessful.

It is essential to ask yourself some questions before meeting potential clients::

  • What is your desired turnover?

Based on your current turnover and growth targets, you can define your desired turnover. Don’t aim too high, or too low, but aim for a reasonable range.

  • How many new clients do you need to reach this turnover?

Once you’ve decided on a turnover (based on the price of your service and the distribution of sales), it will be easy to estimate how many new clients you need to reach your goal.

  • How many visits do you need to reach the desired number of clients?

By analysing the initial feedback from your field prospecting, you can determine the conversion rate. This is the number of visits that end in signing a new client.

2. Target your prospects

Your product or service isn’t aimed at everyone. That’s why you need to target individuals who might be interested, otherwise you risk wasting time and energy.

Identifying prospects who best fit your offer is the best way to effectively bring in contacts and to stay motivated throughout the day.

Once you have defined your target, you will need to know your prospect’s specific needs. That means you will need to find out more about the prospect before the visit. This can be done with social media or databases, for example.

In order to be time-efficient, you need to predetermine the route you will take when visiting prospects. Depending on the places you go to, you can figure out the order that will most reduce your travel time.

3. Prepare your sales pitch

Unlike email prospecting, it is impossible to delete words you have said to a prospect. That’s why you need to prepare and repeat your pitch before prospecting.

The pitch should be tailored to the prospect’s specific needs. Depending on the prospect’s profile, you can have the same pitch, or highlight the same points.

In a few words, you need to present the essence of your pitch in a clear and concise way. Don’t forget that first impressions matter! You have a couple minutes to convince the person in front of you — make the most of it.

So to not miss out on important information, prepare a small checklist of essential questions that you’ll ask the prospect. 

Finally, you travelled to meet prospects, so don’t forget to prepare some documents to give them. That’ll help them remember your pitch and offer, and soincrease the likelihood of making them a client.

4. Prepare answers to objects

When you do your pitch, prospects will usually have objections. This is inevitable, and you need to be prepared,to not be destabilised by pushback.

Being able to answer objections will improve your offer’s image and reassure the prospect.

Even when you have a foot in the door, prospects often say that they don’t have the time to talk to you. You can answer by asking when they will next be available, for example. 

People also ask you to give them time to think. Ask them when it is most convenient for you to call them back.

5. Debrief the meeting

In order to improve your prospecting process, be proactive about debriefing. The sooner the best, as you will have the most information in mind.

You can debrief during the interview if you have the right tools. Otherwise, it’s vital that you do it quickly whilst the conversation is still fresh in your mind. To improve efficiency, with noCRM, you can use speech recognition to quickly add your debrief on the lead management tool, without having to type any text.

6. Follow up on prospects at the right time

When prospecting, you will be talking to either hot leads or cold prospects.

A hot head is someone who has shown interest in your offer and is on the verge of becoming a client. We recommend that you quickly follow up on them.

With noCRM, you can program automatic calls. This is one of the main functions of our sales prospecting software: to remind you to follow up on prospects to not miss out on an opportunity.

7. Analyse your results to perfect your technique

Even when you have finished prospecting, your work is not over. In order to improve your prospecting technique, you need to go over the debriefs you wrote and the prospects’ feedback.

Analysing the conversion rate and client feedback will help improve and adapt your technique. If you carefully observe trends and the things that seem to work, you will quickly become more efficient.

With noCRM, you can analyse results with ease, thanks to stats about your sales process.

8. Use the right tools to prospect efficiently

Prospecting isn’t simple if you only rely on yourself and your notebook. To make your prospecting as effective as possible, use a sales CRM or a prospecting management software like noCRM. 

With noCRM, managing your prospecting is simplified thanks to an interface that’s easy to handle. The software’s interface also has many functions that you can try out for free.

Now you know how to prospect efficiently and successfully. All you have to do now is try it out!

Don’t forget that field prospecting can sometimes be ruthless, but with a well-prepared speech, you will be able to convince even the most reticent prospects. If you have any questions about phone prospecting, visit our blog to read dedicated articles.


When should you follow up on a prospect?

It depends on the prospect’s interest: follow up quickly if they have shown interest, and wait a couple days if they seemed hesitant.

How should I respond to a prospect’s objections?

It is important to remain confident and to respond in a calm and clear way.

Why should you do door-to-door selling?

It helps create a bond of trust with potential clients.