Intro: This blog post explains how You Don’t Need a CRM’s lead clipper lets you easily create leads from LinkedIn and other websites.
Given the growing importance of the Internet, most businesses and people promote their work, products and services online since it’s simple, practical and fast. This has generated a new means for salespeople to find potential clients for their companies: thousands of corporate websites and amazing professional networks such as LinkedIn, which are very efficient when it comes to finding the right contact in the targeted companies.
But, when a salesperson comes across an interesting contact, they need to take a few minutes to write down the information on a sheet of paper, enter it on the CRM system they use or on their spreadsheet… It takes time and interrupts their search activity.
Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a magic button that would automatically save the contact’s information from your browser to your sales management system without leaving the page? Great news: there is one!
Today, we’re very happy to announce the launching of the Lead Clipper, the magic button that enables you to create a lead on your You Don’t Need a CRM! account from LinkedIn or any corporate website in a single click! When you are on LinkedIn and find a potential client, simply click on the Lead Clipper to create a lead on your You Don’t Need a CRM! account. You can continue looking for other contacts, the information will automatically be saved and you can deal with it later. Isn’t it awesome?

You don’t have time to waste? You want to be able to create leads fast and efficiently manage them? Create a free trial account on now!
You Don’t Need a CRM! aims at simplifying salespeople’s work and helping them waste less time when creating leads, managing their prospects and their qualified leads. We have implemented several features since our launching: business card scan, Excel-like spreadsheets that enable to create qualified leads in a single click, automatic lead creation from your website contact form…