
QuickBooks connection

What's QuickBooks?

QuickBooks is the most popular small business accounting system used in the U.S. It allows you to manage your estimates, invoices, accounting tasks and even to get paid directly in an easy and secure way. You can link your noCRM account with your QuickBooks account and be able to communicate between the 2 applications. Your information will be automatically synched, preventing you from loosing time, and helping you streamline your sales process with automation. By adding the Lead Clipper to your browser's favorites toolbar, you'll have the most advanced integration between the 2 applications.

Thanks to QuickBooks, you can try out our service free for 30 days here.

How to connect my QuickBooks account to my account?

  • Go to the Admin Panel > Integrations > Third-party apps then click on QuickBooks and enter your credentials

How to create a QuickBooks estimate from

Once the connection between QuickBooks and is activated you can easily add or create a QuickBooks estimate on any page where a lead is displayed:

  • If you use the extended mode view, in the "actions" menu of each lead you will find a “Add a QuickBooks estimate” link.
  • In the compact view you will have to click on the "cog" symbol.
  • On the detailed view of a lead, you will have to click first on the “add a file, an estimate or an invoice” button, and then choose “Add a QuickBooks estimate”.
  • On the new popup you can either add the URL of an existing estimate or click on the creation button. The creation button will redirect you to your QuickBooks account.

⚠️ You must include an email address in your leads in the predefined field to make the integration work. Users must login once they click on the actions menu to be able to create an invoice.

How to create a lead from an existing QuickBooks customer?

  • Connect your account with your QuickBooks account
  • Install the Lead Clipper (link to Lead clipper documentation) in your browser toolbar
  • Go to a QuickBooks customer in the QuickBooks application
  • Click on the +Lead button installed. A new popup will be displayed with the information extracted from the QuickBooks customer and added to the lead’s description

How to attach an existing estimate or invoice, to an existing lead?

  • Connect your account with your QuickBooks account
  • Install the Lead Clipper (link to Lead clipper documentation) in your browser toolbar
  • Go to a QuickBooks estimate or invoice in the QuickBooks application
  • Click on the +Lead button installed. A new popup will be displayed with either a list of leads corresponding to the customer or asking you if you want to create a new lead and attach the estimate/invoice on the lead.

What if you can’t find the lead you’re looking for

You need to check that the lead fields or descriptions contain the same email as the client in QuickBooks. If it is not the case, modify the lead, add the email address and you should now be able to attach the QuickBooks estimate or invoice to the lead.

⚠️ There is no basic direct data/contacts sync between QuickBooks and noCRM.

Video tutorial

To get a clearer understanding of how the integration works and how to set it take a look at this short video tutorial:

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