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View all leads you still need to assign to your sales reps

Where to find the unassigned leads and how to create them

Unassigned leads are leads that have been created from your website's contact form or from a Prospecting List as unassigned.

In the Dashboard of your noCRM account, you can easily access the list of unassigned leads so that, as a Manager, you can assign them rapidly to your salespeople and have them start working on them right away.

Working on unassigned leads before assigning them

Being able to work on an unassigned lead will help you qualify it before assigning it to the sales rep in charge of managing it. This way, your sales rep will be in possession of all the information needed to move the lead through the sales process.

Just like for any assigned leads, you can add an amount, a probability, choose an estimated closing date, add tags, use the click to call system, add attachments to it,...

Certain batch actions are also available:

  • assign to a salesperson or team
  • add tags
  • delete the leads

If you have wrongfully assigned leads and wish to move them back to to the 'unassigned leads' section, you'll have to use the compact view of leads for a bulk update, explained here.

image showing how to move leads back to unassigned

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