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Replicate your internal sales team organization inside noCRM

Do you have a sales team and wish to reproduce your sales structure in your lead management software? It's possible.

The 'teams' feature allows you to create subgroups inside noCRM. It is especially useful for companies that don’t need direct interaction between teams but do need data consolidation as well as global activity reports.

⚠️ This feature is only available in the Dream Team edition

Activate the feature

Teams don’t come by default. If you want to turn it on, you have to activate the feature: Admin > Account Management > Privacy and security.

Define the privacy inside your teams

Inside teams, you can choose who can access information:

  • Only admins can see everything inside teams
  • Only team managers can see everything inside teams
  • Everything is shared between members of the same team

To optimize your teams' management, you can also decide between admins, team managers, or simple users, as to who can assign or reassign leads inside a team.

Create your first team, assign users, and choose team managers

Once activated, go to Admin Panel > Account Management > Teams.

To create your first team, click on "New Team".

Once a team is created you can assign users to it and choose them as team managers. Depending on the privacy setting you have chosen, team managers may access and edit other users’ leads and access their statistics.

Note that the same user can be placed in several teams if needed!


Once the team feature is activated, you'll be able to filter your statistics “By team", allowing you to see the statistics of a specific team and group the data by day or by members of the team.

Also, if you are team manager of several teams, you can access consolidated statistics of all teams and per team.

More information on statistics here

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