The Click to Call feature was thought to help you waste less time switching from one app to another, and focus on your cold calls.
Simply click on the telephone icon inside a lead to make a phone call using Skype, FaceTime, or whichever 'Click-To-Call' system you use.
You have to define your default Click-to-Call system directly on your computer, except for Skype, which you can define directly in your noCRM account.
Predefine Skype directly in your account
To predefine Skype in your account, go to your user preferences, and in the 'Other Settings' menu, select 'Skype' as Default App for Calls.
How does the Click-to-call system work?
Go to your Admin > Default Fields and make sure that you have created the Telephone and/or Mobile Phone field types.
When creating a lead, make sure that the telephone number is entered correctly in the corresponding predefined field.
Next, make sure that the Click to Call service you use (FaceTime, Skype, or other) is correctly switched on.
For Skype, make sure that you have the country code correctly introduced in the lead's detail so that it launches properly.
Finally, click on the phone icon that appears inside a lead and make your phone call. Simple and time-saving: you're now ready to carry out your qualifying calls!